Écrit le 15/09/2004 @ 08:20 par Alexandre
Bon, deux mises à jour critiques. À vos WindowsUpdate!
Une concernant certains problèmes entre des BIOS et SP2 et une autre concernant les images JPEG qui pouvaient être exploitées pour prendre le contrôle de l'ordinateur.
Critical Update for Windows XP (KB885626)
This non-security critical update helps resolve an issue where a limited number of systems running a BIOS without production support for Intel Pentium 4 and Intel Celeron D processors based on Prescott C-0 stepping can potentially hang on Windows XP Service Pack 2 installation.
Buffer Overrun in JPEG Processing (GDI+) Could Allow Code Execution (833987)
Issued: September 14, 2004
Version: 1.0
Who should read this document: Customers who use any of the affected operating systems, affected software programs, or affected components.
Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution
Maximum Severity Rating: Critical
Recommendation: Customers should apply the update immediately.
Security Update Replacement: None
Caveats: If you have installed any of the affected programs or affected components listed in this bulletin, you should install the required security update for each of the affected programs or affected components. This may require the installation of multiple security updates. See the FAQ section of this bulletin for more information.
Dernière modification le 17/09/2004 @ 23:07 par Drizzt
Écrit le: 15/09/2004 @ 09:08
SVP mettre la description des mises à jour lorsque vous les annoncez..