
Sortie de SpamAssassin 3.1

Écrit le 15/09/2005 @ 09:19 par Drizzt

Informatique - LogicielJ'ai l'honneur de vous annoncer ce matin que SpamAssassin 3.1 est disponible en téléchargement! Il compile présentement à travers les outils CPAN sur Zacknafein.

Les nouveautés :

  • Apache preforking algorithm adopted; number of spamd child processes is now scaled, according to demand. This provides better VM behaviour when not under peak load.
  • added PostgreSQL, MySQL 4.1+, and local SDBM file Bayes storage modules. SQL storage is now recommended for Bayes, instead of DB_File. NDBM_File support has been dropped due to a major bug in that module.
  • detect legitimate SMTP AUTH submission, to avoid false positives on Dynablock-style rules.
  • new plugins: DomainKeys (off by default), MIMEHeader: a new plugin to perform tests against header in internal MIME structure, ReplaceTags: plugin by Felix Bauer to support fuzzy text matching, WhiteListSubject: plugin added to support user whitelists by Subject header.
  • Razor: disable Razor2 support by default per our policy, since the service is not free for non-personal use. It's trivial to reenable (by editing '/etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre').
  • DCC: disable DCC for similar reasons, due to new license terms.
  • Net::DNS bug: high load caused answer packets to be mixed up and delivered as answers to the wrong request, causing false positives. worked around.
  • DNSBL lookups and other DNS operations are now more efficient, by using a custom single-socket event-based model instead of Net::DNS.

Il va donc falloir réactiver Razor et DCC.

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