
iTunes 6, Quicktime 7.0.3

Écrit le 13/10/2005 @ 22:14 par Drizzt

Informatique - Apple - Mise à jour logicielleApple a rendu disponible, hier, 2 mises à jour dans Software Updates :

With iTunes 6, you can now preview, buy, and download over 2,000 videos on the iTunes Music Store and sync your music and purchased videos with iPod to enjoy on the go. To watch purchased videos, you must have Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later.

After purchasing music from the iTunes Music Store with iTunes 6, you will also need to upgrade your other computers that purchase music from the iTunes Music Store to iTunes 6.


QuickTime 7.0.3 delivers several important bug fixes, primarily in the areas of streaming and H.264 video. QuickTime 7 Pro users also gain the ability to create video and audio files that can be played back on compatible iPods. This update is highly recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.

Important Notice to QuickTime Pro Users
Installation of QuickTime 7 will disable the QuickTime Pro functionality in prior versions of QuickTime, such as QuickTime 5 or QuickTime 6. If you proceed with this installation, you must purchase a new QuickTime 7 Pro key to regain QuickTime Pro functionality. After installation, visit to purchase a QuickTime 7 Pro key.

33,1MB, requiert un redémarrage

Dernière modification le 13/10/2005 @ 22:15 par Drizzt

Commentaire par Drizzt  Score: 2
Écrit le: 13/10/2005 @ 22:38

C'est cool, on peut acheter des courts métrage de Pixar dans le Music Store Smile

J'espère qu'il va y avoir d'autres choses comme celà..

Commentaire par YellowShadow  Score: 2
Écrit le: 14/10/2005 @ 09:56

Je vais être obligé de me mettre à suivre ces updates la aussi!

Commentaire par Drizzt  Score: 2
Écrit le: 14/10/2005 @ 10:19

Laughing out loud

Pauvre p'tit pit.. yé convertis! Razz

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