Quicktime 7.6.2, iTunes 8.2, Garage Band 5.0.2
Écrit le 01/06/2009 @ 21:51 par Drizzt
Apple vient de publier 3 mises à jour dans Software Updates concernant le multimédia sur le Mac.
iTunes 8.2, 79,3Mo :
iTunes 8.2 now supports iPhone or iPod touch with the iPhone 3.0 Software Update. iTunes 8.2 also includes many accessibility improvements and bug fixes.
For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222
Garage Band 5.0.2, 108 Mo :
This update addresses general compatibility issues, improves overall stability, and fixes a number of other minor issues. The issues addressed include:
Improved purchasing experience for Artist Lessons in the GarageBand Lesson Store
Accessing installed Jam Packs in the loop browser
The update is recommended for all users of GarageBand ’09 and required to use the Lesson Store.
Quicktime 7.6.2, 60,3 Mo, requiert un redémarrage :
QuickTime 7.6.2 includes changes that increase reliability, improve compatibility and enhance security. This release is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.
For detailed information on this update, please visit this website: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3520.
For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222.
Dernière modification le 01/06/2009 @ 21:52 par Drizzt