Quicktime 6.1
Écrit le 09/01/2003 @ 18:16 par Drizzt
Comme certains site de rumeurs ont prédits (Je pense à Think Secret ici..), Quicktime 6.1 est disponible sur SoftWare Updates!
Mes amis du monde PC me confirmeront si ou quand il sera disponible pour PC je suppose..
QuickTime 6.1 delivers a number of quality and performance enhancements for audio, video, and full screen playback.
Enhancements include the following:
- MPEG-4 video provides more accurate rate control and improved visual quality.
- AAC includes new encoder controls and new bit rate options.
- DV includes significant encode and decode performance improvements.
- QuickTime Pro users will enjoy enhancements in full screen playback, including newly enabled keyboard shortcuts for movie control, faster entry and exit, and improved playback performance.
iSync 1.0 a aussi été proposé par Software Updates dernièrement...